
Connecting youth and politics.

Many youth are interested in learning about politics, but hate figuring out how to learn. That’s why we doom-scroll through Instagram and TikTok, watching reels with random fun facts and picking up bits of news along the way.

However, when it comes to political education, social media has failed our demographic. It's overwhelming with harmful algorithms that only promote what's popular, creating echo chambers full of fake news.

Our solution? Discubble demystifies political issues by asking one question a day in a short-form video or graphic. We’re a discussion-driven education app packed with entertaining controversy and gamified features. Join our beta to learn more.

Endorsed by:


Take just a few minutes a day to answer the Daily Question and gain access to a wealth of diverse knowledge.



Don’t miss out! We've made it easier and more fun to get your daily political fix in without getting overwhelmed with content.



From Mars penal colonies to ethics of organ markets, we’ve got hundreds of topics to satisfy your curiosity.


We're a Georgetown-Cornell team of students committed to making politics more engaging and accessible for young people like us. Our backgrounds are mixed: international relations, computer science, pre-med, and business.

Despite our different majors, we've all experienced the same story: we see our friends take interest in political issues that affect their communities, yet feel too unprepared to engage further.

We started Discubble in the summer of 2023, hoping that our student-led efforts can directly answer student needs. We're excited to have you along with us for the journey.

We'd love to hear from you!

Discubble is currently in its pre-beta stage, and we are searching for beta testers. If you have any questions, want to relay any feedback, would like to work with us, or just want to say hi - we welcome all of it! You can expect a response within 48 hours.

Thank you so much for checking out Discubble!

~ The Discubble Team